Therapy doesn’t stop because a child gets a feeding tube. The process of weaning from a Feeding tube should actually begin on the first day of placement. Do you know what to do when you have a child with a tube? Come find out!
Tu-be or Not Tu-be: What You Need to Know About Tube Feeding and Tube Weaning
Come learn about the indications for feeding tube placement, how it can be an important part of Feeding Therapy, and the immediate and long-term implications for feeding. Our therapy while the tube is in place should concentrate on minimizing complications and negative consequences, then putting the pieces in place to facilitate decreased dependence or eventual weaning. This includes having basic knowledge of how to perform a feeding, basic trouble-shooting tips and knowledge of commonly used formulas. We’ll discuss different therapy approaches from Responsive Feeding to Applied Behavioral Analysis and how to choose techniques individualized to each client. When we’re finished, you’ll be able to maximize your clients ‘ progress along the continuum of completely dependent on TF all the way to eating everything by mouth, even those yucky medicines.
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