This lecture taught several new concepts about sleep disorders and brainstem biochemistry. The participants learned that Vitamin D deficiency can cause sleep disorders. Prolonged vitamin D deficiency can lead to the loss of the healthy human microbiome. The loss of the healthy human microbiome can result in important B vitamin deficiencies. The loss of the normal B5 supply from the microbiome can result in acetylcholine deficiency, producing sympathetic overdrive and multiple other cholinergic deficiency disorders in adults and children.
About Stasha Gominak, MD:
Dr. Gominak grew up and attended college in California, moved to Houston for medical school at Baylor College of Medicine, where she received an MD degree in 1983. Her Neurology residency was done at the Harvard affiliated, Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston. She practiced Neurology in the San Francisco Bay area from 1991-2004 then moved with her husband to Tyler, Texas.
Starting in 2004 she began to dedicate more of her practice to the treatment of sleep and sleep disorders. In 2012 and 2016 she published two pivotal articles about the global struggle with worsening sleep, the possible causes and solutions, related to vitamin D deficiency and the intestinal microbiome.
In 2016 she retired from her office practice to have more time to teach. She currently divides her time between RightSleep® coaching sessions for private individuals and teaching other clinicians the RightSleep® method of sleep repair.
Financial Disclosures:
Dr. Gominak is receiving an honorarium for her presentation.
Non-Financial Disclosures:
To receive CE credit for this live session, participants must attend the full session and attest to their attendance within five days following the conference.
Participants will earn 0.2 ASHA CEUs, introductory level, for attendance of this 2 hour session.
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This course is not pre approved for AOTA continuing education credit. |